Updated August 23, 2017 Have the alignment of your dish checked by your service provider. While some providers have more satellites to aim at than others, in every case precise alignment is necessary for strong uplink and downlink signals. Your installer has the equipment necessary to pinpoint the satellite best located for your site. Move the satellite dish closer to the modem, if possible. Cable runs of greater than 100 feet can dramatically reduce signal strength from the satellite dish. The closer you can relocate the dish, the better your performance will be. Unfortunately, in certain buildings or geographic locations, it may be necessary to place the dish at a great distance from the modem in order to be able to give the dish a clear view of the southern sky. Install an in-line satellite signal amplifier in the cable between the dish and the modem on the inbound cable. This involves disconnecting the inbound coaxial from the modem, attaching a 1-foot length of new coaxial to the modem and then screwing the inbound coaxial and the short coaxial onto either side of the amplifier. Order a larger, more powerful dish from your provider. While there are things you can do to improve your incoming signal, that won’t solve problems caused by a weak uplink signal. To fix that problem, you need to install a larger dish and a more powerful transmitter. Check to see if your provider has a trade-up policy. Switch service providers. Some satellite internet providers must point you to a single satellite, whether or not you’re getting a good signal from that satellite. Others have many satellites in orbit, increasing the likelihood you’ll get an optimal signal at your site. Changing satellite internet providers can be costly, especially if you’ve purchased the original equipment outright. Tips Warnings Writer Bio

How to Boost Your Satellite Internet Signal - 46