Bar graphs show data from left to right using horizontal bars. The category axis, called the x-axis, is on the left side of the chart. The value axis, called the y-axis, sits at the bottom of a bar chart. Excel 2013 calls these vertical charts Bar Charts, as opposed to the more commonly used Column Charts in which the x-axis is horizontal and the y-axis vertical. Adding graphs in Excel 2013 is as easy as selecting the data and choosing your preferred chart type from Charts grouping on the Insert tab. By default, charts embed in the active sheet, but chart location is simple to change. Select the Design tab from the dynamic Chart Tools that appear to the right of the View tab. Click Switch Row/Column Data. The items in the legend swap with the items in the category axis. Click Undo to switch back.

Click on the element, for example, Chart Title or Category Axis. Select Format under Chart Tools. Choose the style change you want, for example Shape Fill or Word Art Style.

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How to Create a Bar Graph in an Excel Spreadsheet - 1