Open the video you want to share on Vimeo. Hover your mouse over the video while playing it, and then click “Share” to display the sharing options. Highlight the code in the Embed section, and then press “Ctrl-C” to copy it to your clipboard. Optionally, click “Show Options,” and then choose to auto-play or loop the video once it’s embedded in the Tumblr post. Open the Tumblr post creation wizard (link in Resources), enter a title for your post in the Title section, and then enter the text of the post in the Text field. Click the “HTML” button to open the source code for the post, and then press “Ctrl-V” to paste the code from your clipboard into the source code, anywhere after the “” tag and before the line containing “”. Click “Post” to post your message with the Vimeo video attached to it on your Tumblr page. Writer Bio

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