Learning how to capture each key pressed on your keyboard using Python is one way to keep a record of information you type on your computer. Python is a computer programming language that can be used to easily capture keys programmatically. One advantage about a Python program is that it runs in multiple operating systems, such as Linux\Unix, Max OS X and Windows, according to Python.com. In Python the “keysym” property is used to detect the key pressed; the “Char()” property is used to retrieve the key. import Tkinter as tk def keypress(event): if event.keysym == ‘Escape’: mainRoot.destroy() keyPressed = event.char print “You pressed: " + keyPressed mainRoot = tk.Tk() print “Press a key (Escape key to exit):” mainRoot.bind_all(’’, keypress) mainRoot.withdraw() mainRoot.mainloop() Writer Bio

How to Get Key Presses in Python - 89