
Log in to your WordPress dashboard, highlight “Plugins” on the main menu and then click “Add New.” Enter “Yahoo Currency” into the search field, then click the “Search Plugins” button to perform your search. Click the “Details” link located next to Yahoo Currency and then click “Install Now” to initiate the automated download and installation process. Click “Activate” after installation is complete, if prompted. Click “Posts” or “Pages” on the main WordPress menu and click the post or page into which you want to insert the Yahoo currency converter. Insert the following shortcode into the HTML editor at the location on the post or page at which you want the currency converter to appear: [ycurrency base=“XX” xcur=“YY”] Replace XX with the base currency and YY with the appropriate three-digit currencies codes, separating the YY values with a comma. If, for example, you want the converter to use U.S. dollars as its base and Euros and Canadian dollars as its potential conversion currencies, the shortcode would appear as follows: [ycurrency base=“USD” xcur=“EUR,CAN”] Click the “Update” button to save your changes.


Navigate to the Joomla Extensions Directory and download the Yahoo Currency Converter (see link in Resources). Log in to your company’s Joomla administration panel. Highlight “Extensions” on the main menu, then click “Install/Uninstall” on the menu that appears. Click the “Browse” button, browse to the location of the downloaded Joomla Extensions Directory file and double-click it. Click “Upload File & Install” to initiate the automated upload and installation process. When the process is complete, the Yahoo Currency Converter plugin is automatically integrated into your company’s VirtueMart e-commerce system without the need to create or assign modules. No configuration of the plugin is required. All current currency values are updated automatically from Yahoo. Writer Bio

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