Updated February 10, 2017 Turn the iPod nano on and look at the top right corner of the screen. There you will see the battery icon. If the battery bar is full and green, the iPod is fully charged. If it is halfway full and green, it has a 50 percent charge. If it shows a red bar that is taking up 1/3 of the battery icon, then the battery is less than 20 percent charged and will need charging soon to continue uninterrupted use. Look at the iPod screen, and if you see a large battery icon with a traingular caution symbol, and the iPod is not connected to a power source, it means the battery is completely dead and you must charge it in order to use the nano at all. Connect the iPod nano to the computer or another power source, such as a USB/outlet adapter. If the screen still displays the battery icon that has a triangular caution symbol near it, then it means the battery is charging and the iPod cannot communicate with the computer until it is charged. It will also say “Please Wait. Battery is charging.” This means that you will not be able to download songs or other files until the battery has a partial charge. Wait while the battery charges and check the battery icon. If it displays a lightening bolt through the icon, it means the battery is still charging. If the battery icon is full green with a plug icon displayed, it means the battery is now fully charged. Writer Bio

How to Tell the Battery Status on an iPod Nano - 90