Pictures You Own the Rights To

Copyright and trademark infringement is strictly prohibited on Tumblr, so make sure you’re posting only photos that you either own the rights to or have permission to post. You may also post fair use photos, though you should have a good understanding of what constitutes a “fair use” photo prior to posting anything without permission. One of the primary factors that makes a photo “fair use” is its use for educational or news purposes.

Adult Content

Although Tumblr does allow users to post explicit pictures, blogs that post this content must give themselves a NSFW (Not Safe For Work) rating. This rating serves as a warning to other users who wish to avoid this type of online content. To give a blog a NSFW rating, go to the Settings menu of your blog.

Respectful of Community Guidelines

A big consideration when posting pictures to Tumblr is ensuring they don’t violate the site’s Community Guidelines. These guidelines prohibit the posting of content that is excessively violent, glorifies or encourages self harm or promotes the hatred of others based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or gender. If you post any content that violates these guidelines, Tumblr may remove the offending content. In addition, your account may be suspended.

High-Resolution Pictures

With access to high-resolution themes, Tumblr provides a medium for artists and photographers to showcase their work. To switch to a high-resolution Tumblr theme, select “High Res” from the theme menu.

Size Guidelines

When posting pictures to Tumblr, consider the size guidelines for photos and animated GIFs. All photos uploaded to Tumblr must be less than 10MB in size and all animated GIFs less than 1 MB. In addition, animated GIFs should be kept less than 500 pixels wide. Writer Bio

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